- Bright from the Start Pre-K Program
- Frequently Asked Questions Related to PreK Registration
- Parent Resources for Pre-K Education
Bright from the Start Pre-K Program
The Bright From the Start Pre-Kindergarten program in Decatur County includes 12 classrooms housed throughout the system's four elementary schools. The program serves at a maximum 262 children through age appropriate instruction learning experiences. Each class is limited to 22 students and is taught by a certified early childhood teacher and an assistant teacher. Included in the 12 classrooms is an Inclusion classroom that serves developmentally delayed students with 14 normally developing students. This class is unique and includes a certified lead teacher with two assistant teachers in this classroom. The Georgia Pre-K program is successfully preparing children for school by providing an opportunity for them to develop school readiness skills in an environment that encourages children to have fun while learning.
Georgia's Pre-K Program provides children with experiences that foster the essentials for school readiness. In Pre-K, children learn through play and learning centers, which are integral parts of Pre-K classrooms. Pre-K programs reflect an understanding of how children learn by emphasizing active learning, consistent daily routines, and the use of positive behavioral management and assessment strategies. The school readiness goals of the Pre-K program provide appropriate preschool experiences emphasizing growth in language and literacy, math concepts, science, social studies, arts, health and physical development, and social and emotional competence.
Support services are a vital component of the Pre-K program. On a voluntary basis, families are provided access to services that promote stability and aid in the child's preparation for kindergarten. Parents are provided with opportunities to obtain needed health services for their child, attend informational seminars, attend child development seminars and receive information on topics of interest to them.
Frequently Asked Questions Related to PreK Registration
1. What are the age requirements to enroll in Georgia's Pre-K Program?
A child must be age-eligible (four-years-old on September 1) AND a Georgia resident. Acceptable proof of age must be on file the day the child begins the Pre-K program.
2. What is considered acceptable documents for proof of age?
Examples of acceptable proof of age include: Original/certified birth certificate, passport, green card, pink card, or Federal I-94 card and hospital record of live birth. Immunization forms and Medicaid cards are not acceptable documentation for proof of age.
3. What is acceptable documentation for proof-of-Georgia residency?
Examples of proof of residency include: current lease, current vehicle registration form, letter from shelter, letter from employer if employer provides housing, and any utility bill listing the residence as the service address. A cell phone bill or a driver's license is not acceptable proof of residency.
4. Does my child have to have a social security card/number to attend?
No, social security cards/numbers are not required to enroll in Georgia's Pre-K, but will be requested for record keeping reasons.
5. Is there a specific waiver form I need since my child does not have a social security number?
If you do not wish to or cannot provide a social security number for your child, you may provide a written statement to the school/center stating that you do not wish to or cannot provide that information.
6. What should I bring to registration?
Parents/guardians MUST bring proof of Georgia residency and age documentation. Additionally, parents will be asked for social security cards, immunization certificates, PeachCare or Medicaid Cards and proof of income if the student is applying for free or reduced lunch.
Parent Resources for Pre-K Education
The Pre-K Official Website:
For a copy of the Pre-K Content Standards which provide the foundation for instruction in all Georgia Pre-K Classrooms:
The standards include:
Many concepts and early literacy skills can be strengthened by using high quality children's literature as the basis for learning. Research has shown that reading to your child daily can have a dramatic impact on future school success. The suggested reading book list provides a useful list of high quality, age appropriate children's literature. The book list can be found at the following link:
The Georgia Pre-K Program uses the following progress report to assess the development of all Pre-K students:
Supporting Families: Parents and families are an integral part of the Pre-K instructional program. Parents build the foundation for helping children develop skills, habits, and attitudes for becoming lifelong learners; therefore, they are encouraged to strengthen their role as their child's first and most important teacher. Many opportunities will be available for parents to participate in Pre-K program activities because parents and teachers working together make a positive difference in a child's development. For the most frequently asked questions in the Pre-K program:
For a copy of the Pre-K Family Handbook: