Invitation to Participate
Decatur County Schools annually reviews and revises our Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan and our CLIP (Consolidated LEA Implementation Plan). The annual review process is discussed at our annual Title I Stakeholder Meeting. Stakeholders have the opportunity to come by the Department of Federal Programs to review these documents at time.
We also invite you to attend our annual public participation meetings which are held during the summer, fall and spring, and announcements are made on our website, The Post Searchlight, Facebook and Instagram. These meetings are held at the Decatur County Board of Education (1417 Dothan Road ). All parents and stakeholders are encouraged to attend this informational meeting.
Decatur County Federal Programs Manual
Federal Programs
The Decatur County School District is committed to providing the best of educational opportunities to our students. Our district qualifies and receives school wide Federal Title I funds to assist students in meeting state achievement standards. Every year, we are charged with evaluating our current program in an effort to ensure that Decatur County focuses on the strategies and goals that have the most potential to improve student achievement. As part of our planning process, the office of Federal Programs has established a Comprehensive LEA Planning Team whose task and purpose will be to review and revise the planning documents that guide the use of Federal Title I monies. Increasing stakeholder involvement in the educational process is one goal of Decatur County Schools. Remember, "Together, we make a difference," in building a strong and effective school system for the children of Decatur County.
Public School Choice
As of June 30, 2012, there will no longer be a Public School Choice (Choice) transfer option under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) as reauthorized under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), and local educational agencies (LEAs) will no longer be required to implement Choice or pay for Choice transportation as implemented under the ESEA.
On November 2011, the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE), submitted to the United States Department of Education (US ED), a flexibility waiver requesting flexibility through ten ESEA requirements and their associated, regulatory, administrative and reporting requirements. One of the ten requested waivers directly affects the Public School Choice (Choice) transportation under ESEA.
Any student that has previously transferred to another school by exercising the ESEA Choice must be allowed to attend that school until they complete the school’s highest grade; however, the LEA is no longer required to pay for the students’ transportation cost during the duration of the student’s attendance at their current Choice school. The LEA may continue to pay for Choice transportation for students only if the LEA chooses to do so.
However, parents will still have the Choice transfer option under House Bill 251: The Quality Basic Education Act; Intra-District School Choice. House Bill 251 allows parents of students enrolled in a public elementary or secondary school to enroll in a school other than the assigned school that is located within the school district, if classroom space is available after the assigned students of that district have been enrolled. Under House Bill 251, transportation will not be paid for by the district. The parent shall assume the responsibility and cost of transportation of the student to and from the school.

Chip Davis
Phone Number: 229-248-2200
Federal Programs Administrative Assistant
Susan Lynn 229-248-2835
Family Engagement Coordinator
Dr. Crycynthia Gardner 229-248-2835
Migrant Student Support
Michael Evans @ HES- 229-248-2224
Anna Gomez @BMS 229- 248-2206
Erika Mills @BHS 229-248-2230
Amy Tejada @ WBP 229-248-2821 @JWP 229-248-2218
ESOL Teachers- See Title III Page