Title IX
Training Documentation and Forms
Title IX is a federal education law that is part of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972. It prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs or educational activities that receive federal financial assistance. The type of discrimination in education covered by Title IX includes sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination, equal opportunity in athletics, and sexual assault policies for students and employees.
Educational programs and activities covered by Title IX include any operation of an educational institution, private employer, or governmental entity that receives federal financial assistance. These institutions, private employers, and governmental entities are known as “recipients.” Title IX covers all institutions participating in the federal financial aid program.
Sex discrimination is forbidden under Title IX, and all other aspects of the educational experience, including recreational services, health services, school programs, counseling, classroom assignments, and grading. Discrimination is also forbidden in employment and recruitment in connection with educational institutions that fall under Title IX.
Title IX Coordinator for Student Services
Chip Davis
Title IX Coordinator for Employee Services
Jennifer Wilkinson
Title IX Coordinator Training
Harbin, Hartley and Hawkins Training
GAEL Legal Conference Day 1
GAEL Legal Conference Day 2
GAEL Legal Conference Day 3