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It's More than Robots: BMS Robotics Teams Compete in SRTC Regional Qualifier

It's More than Robots: BMS Robotics Teams Compete in SRTC Regional Qualifier
Amy Zock

On Saturday, December 14 Bainbridge Middle School robotics teams competed in the SRTC Regional Qualifier Event in Thomasville. The two teams BMS 66302 the Blue Fins and BMS 66305 Six Gill Sharks have worked throughout the semester to program autonomous robots for the FIRST LEGO LEAGUE Submerged Robot Game, researched and designed an innovation project that addresses the Ocean theme, and learned to put the Core Values of FIRST into action (Discovery, Innovation, Impact, Inclusion, Teamwork, and Fun). From their student designed shirts and buttons, to their skillfully created Innovation Project Boards these teams set out to share their excitement and love of STEM with the other teams competing at Saturday's regional tournament. And the teams did a fantastic job representing Bainbridge and Decatur County. 

BLUE FINS line their robot up during Robot Game rounds at Saturday's tournamenbtReferrees in Ocean Themed hats and Hawaiin shirts consult with students after each robot round.

At the tournament teams run their robots on a four foot by eight foot field with 15 possible lego missions during 5 rounds working for a top score of the day. The students designed their robot and attachments and programmed the robots to autonomously complete as many missions as possible in a two and half minute time frame all to the cheers of their teammates and spectators. "With top scores of 180 for the Blue Fins and 190 for Six Gill Sharks the teams showed skill and precision," explained Amy Zock, Director of Instructional Technology and STEM for Decatur County Schools and one of the tournament organizers for Saturday's event. "It is impressive that they put up scores like that which are higher than the best score from last week's qualifier in Gwinnett county--especially since this is the first year the school has competed."  

BMS Team SIX GILL SHARKS work together to approach missions from both sides of the table to maximize points

Learning to advocate for themselves team members certify their scores with the referee

Zock and the other organizers of the event attribute the Bainbridge Middle School students' success to their Coach and Mentor, Elizabeth Hill. "She has been central in supporting the students to keep working, take risks, and believe in themselves." Ms. Hill was recognized as this year's SRTC Coach/Mentor of the Year for her work with the two teams at Bainbridge Middle School and her support for growing the program in the region through shared events this year. Ms. Hill's Team 66302 the Blue Fins won first place for Core Values, and both teams will be continuing on to the Starbase Super Regional Event on January 25 at Warner Robbins.  Ms. Hill is most proud of all her students' demonstration of the Core Values that FIRST promotes. "These are the most important skills they can learn because no matter what they do in their lives, understanding the importance of discovery, inclusion, teamwork, innovation and impact all while having fun will serve them well!" 

Excited to get started both BMS teams load into the tournament

"There is no doubt these students all had fun, and the adults too!" Jeanette Grimsley, Director of Students Information Services for Decatur County Schools and tournament volunteer entering data for robot rounds at Saturday's tournament. "This is the first tournament I've seen and I truly enjoyed the excitement on the students' faces as they ran their missions on the tables. Oh, and the music!" Music provided by DJ Joseph Kelly added to the fun keeping all the students and spectators on their feet. Of course, the students also loved interacting with the SRTC robotic dog who came to enjoy the festivities.  

Students participate in a DANCE PARTY as they await the judges results

Dr. Willie Allen, Director of Innovation at Southern Regional Technical College and the SRTC Tournament Director commented "The event brought excitement and enthusiasm from students, teachers, coaches, parents, school administrators, community partners and volunteers. Hosting such a vibrant event in our rural region was truly a privilege."  SRTC looks forward to growing the tournament and FIRST LEGO LEAGUE in our area as they prepare for next year's event.

SRTC Robotic Dog demonstration